Sectors: Biscuits, Bread, cakes and biscuits, Canned fish and seafood, Canned fruits, Cheeses, Chocolate confectionery (including chocolate nougat and chocolates), Cocoa, Coffee, extracts and substitutes, Dairy products, Fresh and frozen fruit, Fresh and frozen vegetables, Fresh berries and small fruit, Fresh bulb vegetables, Fresh citrus fruit, Fresh flower vegetables, Fresh fruit vegetables, Fresh leaf vegetables, Fresh melons and watermelons, Fresh mushrooms, Fresh pome fruit, Fresh root vegetables, Fresh stem vegetables, Fresh stone fruit, Fresh subtropical fruit, Fresh tuber vegetables, Fresh vegetables with seeds, Frozen haricot beans, Frozen peas, Frozen potatoes, Frozen raspberries, Frozen spinach, Frozen strawberries, Frozen sweetcorn, Gin, Horticultural preserves, Jams and marmalades, Other alcoholic beverages, Other bread and bakery products and industrially produced equivalents, Other dairy products, Other distilled beverages, eau-de-vie and alcoholic beverages, Other fresh fruit, Other fresh vegetables, Other frozen fruit, Other frozen vegetables, Other prepared and preserved meats, Other prepared/substitutes fish and seafood, Prepared and preserved fish and seafood, Processed meat products, Sugar and confectionery products, Various prepared edible products, Yoghourts