Jan 08 2021

Spanish Oil Producers Work to Develop a Healthier Oil for Frying

Spanish producers and scientific entities are working to develop oils for frying which yield healthier fried food

Spanish olive oil

Spanish olive oil producers are nothing if not innovative, and recently there has been progress in the development of new oils that allow for “healthier” frying.

A consortium comprising scientific and innovation-driven entities and commercial brands launched a project called Healthy Oil. The group includes Grupo Acesur, Almazaras de la Subbética S.C.A, Aperitivos Añavieja, the University of Avila, Citoliva and Novadays, among others. Funding has been provided by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities through the Center for the Development of Industrial Technology.

The goal is to develop extra virgin olive oils, pomace oils and vegetable oils and to determine which products can be used to prepare fried food that is healthy and delicious. In the lab they have studied the performance of various parameters and analyzed the probability that certain undesired substances in the oil and the fried food disappear. Their theories will be tested over the next year at industrial level and also in the hospitality sector.

The consortium will be innovating throughout the oil production cycle in an effort to reduce the harmful substances in fried foods and the new oils they create will be validated by Aperitivos Añavieja in the production of their potato chips, dehydrated fruits and vegetables, fried vegetables and other products.

The consortium also has plans to launch a range of new fried products that will be healthier than those available on the market today.

Spanish olive oil