Fillets of anchovy from the fish known in Spain as anchoa del Cantábrico (Engraulis Encrasicholus) processed in salt, preserved normally in olive oil and subsequently filleted.
Anchovies should have flexible and firm flesh. They should never be stiff or shriveled. Their color ranges from reddish-brown to a pale caramel color. The aromas and flavors of oil and salt must be balanced with those of the fish, without masking them.
Fillets of between 9 and 12 cm, clean, without bones, with an even reddish-brown color, packed in oil. Flesh with a firm consistency.
The fresh fish –known as anchovy, bocarte or boquerón according to the Spanish region– is cleaned by removing the head and the innards and packing in salt, thereby converting it into a salted anchovy in brine. The process of curing/maturing must last a minimum of six months, after which the fish is washed, the fillets are removed from the bone, discarding the dorsal fin and scales, and then packed in olive oil and sealed.
This product does not undergo any heat treatment and is therefore considered a semi-preserved product requiring refrigeration between 5ºC and 12ºC until its consumption. This is a completely natural food and its ingredients are anchovies, olive oil and salt.
Northern Spain. Cantabrian coastline. The mild spring temperatures are best for fishing anchovies, which tend to surface more often and come near the coast to spawn.
This product does not undergo any heat treatment and is therefore considered a semi-preserved product requiring refrigeration between 5ºC and 12ºC until its consumption.