Salted tuna fillets (although other fish can also be used). Any type of tuna can be used, although the most traditional mojama is made with red tuna (Thunnus thynnus) caught in the traditional fishing nets known as almadrabas along the coasts of southeast Spain and Andalusia.
Mojama has its own distinctive organoleptic properties (taste, color, aroma and texture) which differ from those of fresh tuna. It has a stronger aroma and taste and a darker color, and its texture is far more consistent. As this is a salted product there is a predominance of salty notes.
It should be remembered that during the production process some of its nutritional properties may be modified. It has a high salt content, and a much higher content in nutrients, proteins and fats than fresh tuna due to the loss of water which occurs during processing; that is to say the nutrients are more concentrated.
Mojama is made using meat from tuna or bonito (white tuna), although in some cases mackerel or other species are also used. The fillets are prepared using a knife. They are then washed with water and left for one or two days in coarse sea salt. After this time the fillets are washed again and left to dry in a well-aired place between 10 and 15 days.
It has a high salt content, and a much higher content in nutrients, proteins and fats than fresh tuna.