Cooked Pork Shoulder with Turnip Tops


Leave the ham to soak in cold water for two days. Place in a pan with water and simmer for 3 hours. Remove and set aside. Cut and wash the turnip tops. In the cooking water used for the ham, place the lard and cook the turnip tops, chorizos and finally the potatoes, making sure they do not break up.

Preparation: Escuela Superior de Hostelería y Turismo de Madrid

Spanish recipe: Cooked Pork Shoulder with Turnip Tops. Photo by: Toya Legido/©ICEX.


Arrange the ham with the turnip tops, chorizos and potatoes on a large serving-dish.

Nutritional Facts

Energy (kcal): 2,449
Energy (kJ): 10,247
Protein (g): 137
Fat (g): 192.5
Carbohydrates (g): 45
Thiamine(mg): 3.8
Iron (mg): 3
Vitamin C (mg): 79.4

Information provided by: The Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN)




Over 2 hours

  • 1 kg shoulder ham
  • 4 chorizos
  • 2 turnip greens
  • 2 large potatoes, cut in pieces
  • 50 gr lard
  • 2.445 lb shoulder ham
  • 4 chorizos
  • 2 turnip greens
  • 2 large potatoes, cut in pieces
  • 1.764 oz lard
  • 2.445 lb shoulder ham
  • 4 chorizos
  • 2 turnip greens
  • 2 large potatoes, cut in pieces
  • 0.26 cup lard
Wine match

Federico Oldenburg/©ICEX

The Godello whites that are characteristic of Valdeorras (Galicia) combine to perfection with this hearty dish, especially if aged in the bottle for several years to bring out the wine’s elegance and warmth.