Sequeros (Castile-Leon)

Sequeros (Castile-Leon)

Average Summer temp. : 24 ºC
Average Winter temp.: 0 ºC
Average rainfall: 1,400 mm annually

Sierra de Salamanca VC

Since 2010, the PDO protects the typicality of the wines produced by six wineries that are convinced of the potential of Rufete and the complexity of the soil of our region.

The area is located in the south of the province of Salamanca in the municipalities of Cepeda, Cristóbal, El Cerro, El Tornadizo, Garcibuey, Herguijuela de la Sierra, Lagunilla, Las Casas del Conde, Los Santos, Madroñal, Miranda del Castañar, Mogarraz, Molinillo, Monforte de la Sierra, Montemayor del Río, Pinedas, San Esteban de la Sierra, San Martín del Castañar, San Miguel de Valero, Santibáñez de la Sierra, Sequeros, Sotoserrano, Valdefuentes de Sangusín, Valdelageve, Valero and Villanueva del Conde.

Vineyards are located on terraces above the Alagón river. A part of the production area is inside the Natural Park of “Las Batuecas – Sierra de Francia” and all the area is inside the Biosphere Reserve “Sierras de Béjar – Francia”. This last title, awarded by UNESCO in 2006.

The most important grape here is the indigenous Rufete. Garnacha Tinta and Tempranillo are also approved for red wines. White grapes approved are Viura, Moscatel de Grano Menudo and Palomino.

Regulatory Council

Asociación de Viticultores y Elaboradores de Vino de la Sierra de Salamanca
Avda. Virgen del Robledo núm 11
37650 Sequeros
Tel.: +34 923 43 75 04 +34 626 65 63 51

Spanish Ministry of Agriculture

Regulatory Council, Sierra de Salamanca VC

Area under vine
90.33 ha.
Altitude of vineyards
400-1,000 m.
Soil types
Principal grapes (w)
Viura, Moscatel de Grano Menudo and Palomino.
Principal grapes (r)
Rufete, Garnacha Tinta and Tempranillo.
Maximum crop
Reds: 7,000 kg/ha; Whites: 9,000 kg/ha
72 %
Production 2013
278,533 kg
Production 2014
199,980 kg
Production 2015
209,426 kg