Torroja del Priorat (Catalonia)

Torroja del Priorat (Catalonia)

Max. Summer temp. : 40 ºC
Min. Winter temp.: -3 ºC
Average rainfall: 500 mm annually
Average sunshine: 2,600 hours annually

Priorat DOCa

On July 6 2009, Priorat becomed the second Spanish wine region to be promoted as DOCa (Qualified Designation of Origin) nationwise, a higher category reserved for wines maintaining a proven consistency and quality over a long period of time. Since 2000 Priorat has endorsed this higher quality designation mention at an autonomic level as approved by the Catalan government.

Priorato - called Priorat in Catalan - is a small, unique pocket of black hills where powerful, deep red wines of superb quality have been made for over eight centuries.

Located in the province of Tarragona, the QDO leaped to fame in the last decade after producers began to apply new technologies in their winemaking. Since then the vineyards, planted at the beginning of the eighties with French as well as native varieties, have produced the acclaimed ‘new Prioratos’. Today these wines have become some of the best known not only in Spain but also internationally.

The quality of the wines, both the traditional and the new, is founded on a unique microclimate and soil. It is this terroir and the mixture of old and new wines that have made Priorato one of the most closely watched European growing areas.

Regulatory Council

Consejo Regulador DOCa Priorat
C. Major, 2
43737 Torroja del Priorat
Tel.: +34 977 839 495

Spanish Ministry of Agriculture

- Regulatory Council, Priorat QDO

Area under vine
1,916 ha.
Altitude of vineyards
200-650 m.
Soil types
The soils are shallow, usually from a single horizon and immediately below (about 10-15 cm) is the bedrock. They have a low organic content matter and are formed mostly by the disintegration of the slate, which is called llicorella, and are laminated and broken rocks of a dark copper colour between which the roots of the vines dig deep in search of moisture, water and nutrients.
Principal grapes (w)
Garnacha Blanca, Macabeo, Pedro Ximénez, Chenin Blanc, Moscatel de Alejandría, Moscatel de Grano Menudo, Pansal, Picapoll Blanco, and Viognier.
Principal grapes (r)
Garnacha Tinta, Mazuelo, Garnacha Peluda, Tempranillo, Picapoll Negre, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Pinot Noir, Merlot, and Syrah.
Maximum crop
6,000 kg/ha for reds and 8,000 kg/ha for whites
65 %
Production 2013
9,528 hl
Production 2014
11,961 hl
Production 2015
13,887 hl