Aug 18 2022

Pick from Spain’s Picapica on National Potato Day

Did you know that Spain’s national dish is potato-based? Check out this - and more of Spain’s tasty potato recipes as we celebrate National Potato Day on August 19th

Are you prepping your potatoes ahead of August 19th - AKA National Potato Day? Then try some of Spain’s best and traditional potato-based recipes, including their own national dish!

Tortilla española

Many think of paella as Spain’s national dish when it is in fact the tortilla de patata, also known as tortilla española. Created centuries ago as a meal of affordable sustenance, the recipe is simple. Potato slices are fried in extra virgin olive oil, seasoned with salt and pepper, then cooked in a round pan with beaten eggs - and fried onion, optional - for a solid, golden-hued disc with a gooey center.

If you prefer your potatoes in a creamy salad format, Spain’s sides have you covered. How about the ensaladilla rusa - a mix of garden vegetables, tuna, egg and potato in mayo - or the patatas alioli, much like a potato salad but with that extra garlicky punch.

Huevos estrellados

Huevos estrellados

Another Spanish classic, patatas bravas - hailing from Madrid and not the Costa Brava as is widely believed - are served across the country as an aperitivo or tapa. Inch-cubes of fried potato are topped with a slightly spicy tomato sauce and sometimes accompanied by alioli too.

More like a main meal than picapica, huevos estrellados are a brunch-tastic dish of fries, with fried eggs and usually a meat topping like jamón serrano. Chef José Andrés likes to feature this on the menu at many of his Spanish restaurants. If you’re seeking a more health-oriented option then the patatas a lo pobre (or ‘poor man’s potatoes’ - really!), with potato, onion, bell peppers and garlic helps to achieve your 5-a-day on veggies.

Papas con mojo

Papas con mojo

And finally, the Canary Islands are not to be left out with papas arrugás con mojo picón - where baby potatoes are perfectly cooked and cured in their salty skins, served with fresh and slightly spiced sauces. As if you needed more proof of the potato’s endless versatility, look only to Spain!

Patatas bravas