Soak the chickpeas overnight in warm water with a pinch of salt, then drain. In a large pot, place the various types of meat, the pork fat, the washed bones and the ham and cover with water. Bring to the boil, skim and add the chickpeas, the peeled carrots and turnip and the whole, peeled onion. Simmer for 3 hours or until the chickpeas are soft. About 20 minutes before cooking is complete, add the potatoes, peeled and cut into pieces. Taste and add more salt if necessary. Meanwhile, wash the cabbage, cut into thin slices and cook separately in water with a little salt and the chorizo for half an hour. Drain and stir in some fried garlic with Spanish olive oil.
Fry the tomato in a tablespoon of oil. To make the dumplings, beat the eggs and form into a dough with the breadcrumbs, finely-chopped garlic, parsley and a pinch of salt. Using two spoons, form into flattened croquette shapes and fry in plenty of hot oil. There is no need to coat with flour nor dip in egg because they will not fall apart. Just before it is time to serve the stew, place them in the broth and bring to the boil.
Preparation: Escuela Superior de Hostelería y Turismo de Madrid