
The modules are scheduled as follows:

Week 1:          Module 1. Spain Wine Nation                                        

                          Videoconference (2h 30min)

Week 2:          Module 2. The Regions I

                          Videoconference (2h 30min)

Week 3:           Module 2. The Regions II

                          Videoconference (2h 30min)

Week 4:          Module 3. Spanish White Grape Varieties

                           Videoconference (2h 30min)

Week 5:          Module 4. Spanish Red Grape Varieties

                          Videoconference (2h 30min)

Week 6:          Module 5. Spanish Sparkling and Fortified Wines

                         Videoconference (2h 30min)

Week 7:          Module 6. Spain: A Food Nation

                          Videoconference (2h 30min)

Week 8:         Catch up