
Eat & Drink Spain-Weeks in Maihöfli – Oscar de Matos

Oscar de Matos' multifaceted curriculum vitae reads just as varied as the Maihöfli's changing menu. After training with star chef Ferran Adrià in the award-winning Spanish restaurant El Bulli, stations followed in Switzerland with regional renowned cooks such as Werner Tobler or in the Hotel Schweizerhof Lucerne and guest appearances in the Catalan El Celler de Can Roca. What you will always find is a pinch of Spanish flair that Oscar breathes into each of his gourmet dishes.

For the Eat & Drink Spain weeks, Oscar de Matos has come up with a Spanish 8 or 6-course surprise menu, which you can accompany with excellent Spanish wines available by the glass.

Event information


October 15 2022




Maihöfli – Oscar de Matos
Maihofstrasse 70, 6006
Switzerland How to get there
Where we are
Foods Wines from Spain
Trade Commission of Spain in Berna

Länggassstrasse, 31 3012, Berna

00 (41) (31) 3812171