+1,300 Spanish Oils Included in Prestigious World EVOO Ranking
One of the most important olive oil rankings in the world, the World Ranking of Extra Virgin Olive Oils has released the final list for 2021. It includes the most lauded oils, as well as rankings according to country, variety, flavor, and others. This is a project from the World Association of Journalists and Writers of wine, Liquors, and others, and the goal is to promote the best oils in the world among consumers. It was originally created more than a decade ago.
As with most international olive oil competitions, Spanish oils did spectacularly well. In the Top 10 EVOO list, eight were from Spain: Rincón de la Subbetica PDO Priego de Cordoba, which took 1st place, and Palacio de Los Olivos Picual (3rd), Knolive Epicure (4th), Goya Organics Premium (5th), Parqueoliva Serie Oro PDO Priego de Cordoba (6th), El Empiedro PDO Priego de Cordoba (8th), Palacio de Los Olivos Arbequina (9th), and Almaoliva Arbequino (10th).
In the ranking of the World’s Best Oil Producing Companies, Spain had three representatives in the top three: Almazaras de la Subbética, Goya en España, and Olivapalacios. In the ranking by countries, Spain came in second, after Italy, with an impressive 1,342 oils making various rankings.