Mar 12 2021

Spain is Currently the Leading Avocado Supplier for Europe

About one-third of all avocado exports in Europe come from Spain, where farmers are working hard to maintain their leading position for this fruit.

Spain’s southern region of Andalusia should be pleased with its position as a global powerhouse in avocado production. This region, and specifically Málaga and Granada provinces, has the right soil, extensive space, and the perfect climate to grow this popular fruit.

Spain is currently the leading avocado supplier for Europe and is responsible for almost one-third of all exports to other countries in the region. As a result, when European consumers sit down to enjoy a delicious avocado, there's a good chance it came from southern Spain. According to data from Andalusia’s regional government, Axarquía in Malaga and Costa Tropical in Granada together with contributions from Huelva and Cadiz are actually the source of 90% of Spain's production.

In, Juan Antonio Reyes, an avocado producer, importer and exporter, says "We having selling avocados since 1993 and we have seen how consumption has increased exponentially, in the double digits. We are very proud to be involved in producing this fruit and in helping to raise its profile."

Avocados have enjoyed a special boost in popularity during the pandemic in particular as people seek to eat healthy and experiment with new recipes. Despite the difficulties during this period, such as an increase in demand and the challenges posed by Covid-19, Andalusian farmers have worked tirelessly to meet consumers' demands in Spain and also in Europe.

Spanish avocado field. Photo by: @ICEX