
News Mar 09 2021

ICEX Pavilion in Foodex Japan 2021 Represents Spanish Companies’ Resilience

This year’s presential fair, Foodex Japan 2021, shows the Spanish importer’s resilience against this and last year’s difficultiesThis year’s presential fair, Foodex Japan 2021, shows the Spanish importer’s resilience against this and last year’s difficulties

News Jul 09 2020

Spanish Oils Win 5 of the 9 Best in Show Awards at Olive Japan 2020

Spanish oils also took home more than 100 gold and 50 silver medals at this prestigious international competition

News Jan 23 2020

Spanish Beef Producers Get Green Light to Export to Japan

Japan produces 470,000 tons of beef per year but consumes 1.3 million tons, and is the second-leading importer in the world