Dec 30 2022

Olive Oil World Congress Debuts in Madrid in 2024

This new initiative seeks to share expertise and innovation within the industry, raise the profile of olive oil, and improve the sector’s sales.

A new international event, the Olive Oil World Congress (OOWC), is taking shape under the slogan “Taste it, enjoy, it’s Olive Oil.” This initiative comes from Agrifood Comunicación.

As Spain is the indisputable leader in terms of production, sales, and exports, the first edition will be held in Madrid in 2024. It will change locations each year and olive oil-related activities will be organized around the world.

This event has several objectives, the first of which is to bring together global leaders from different parts of the olive oil sector to share their expertise on innovation and the latest developments within every part of the value chain. Another goal is to raise awareness about olive oil and its beneficial qualities among consumers.

Other objectives include analyzing successful case studies and marketing tools to improve the sector’s sales efficiency, and achieving a better understanding of olive oil’s production, research, and sales processes.

The OOWC offers both institutions and companies the opportunity to participate on its committees and to decide the different activities to be organized. It’s a collaborative project that seeks to involve all parts of the value chain to contribute their expertise. Ultimately, they want to send a coherent message to all olive oil consumers.