The full tasting notes can be found in the supplement with the winning wines of the Wine Competition Spain that will be released on June 12 with Perswijn # 4.
These are this week's featured wines:
• Agro de Bazán, Granbazán Etiqueta Verde Albariño 2019, Rías Baixas, €12,75 Importer Wijnimport J. Bart
• Attis, Lias Finas Albariño 2019, Rías Baixas, €15, Importer Smaragd Wijnen
• Terras Gauda, Terras Gauda O Rosal 2019, Rías Baixas, €18,95, Importer Résidence Wijnen/ Wijnkoperij De Gouden Ton
• Pazo Das Tapias, Finca os Cobatos Godello 2020, Monterrei, €9,30, Importer Les Généreux cv
• Luis A. Rodriguez Vázquez, A Teixa Ribeiro 2017, €29,22, Importer De Wijntherapeut