This PDO oil has a complex organoleptic profile and was previously granted a seal (Marca de Garantia) thanks to its superior quality.
It’s official! The European Union now recognizes Aceite de Madrid (or olive oil from Madrid) with Protected Designation of Origin status.
This applies to EVOO produced in the southeastern part of the Madrid region, between the Tajo, Jarama, Henares, and Tajuña river valleys.
The olives are hand picked straight from the tree to ensure that they are healthy and fresh. They are then transported to the oil mills in a way that fully protects them from damage and deterioration. Ultimately, the oils stand out for their unique flavor and because of the artisan and environmentally-respectful techniques by which they’re produced. According to the EU, they also have a “complex organoleptic profile with medium-to-high intensity and aromas of olives, almonds, leaves, apple, tomato, and banana.”
The Madrid regional government worked on this important application alongside producers and olive farmers, and the process commenced back in 2019. In total, the region is home to over 20,000 hectares of olive groves across almost 100 towns, although the majority are in the La Campiña, Las Vegas and Suroccidental areas. The most popular varieties are Cornicabra and Manzanilla, though production also includes Verdeja, Picual, Gordal, and Carrasqueña. The olives proceed to 18 different olive oil mills, 7 of which solely produce organic olive oil.