Jacob K. Javits Convention Center
655 West 34th Street (NY 10014)
New York
United States Of America
Jun 12 2022 10:00 h - Jun 14 2022 15:00 h
Get ready to dive into the wonderful world of Spain at this year’s Summer Fancy Food in New York City. Foods and Wines from Spain and Alimentos de España are thrilled to host the Spanish Pavillion at the largest US show devoted exclusively to specialty foods and beverages (organized by the Specialty Food Association).
From Sunday, June 12th to Tuesday, June 14th Spain’s flavors take center stage in the Spanish Pavillion. There you will find #SpainFoodNation Gastro Area with a daily program of chef led demos and tastings, where you can discover and re discover Spain’s foods and its unique delicious ingredients.
Spain will represent all high-quality products from meats and cheese to savory snacks and sweets. With over 60 Spanish exhibitors, there is a Spanish delicacy for any attendee including:
specialty foods and beveragesGet ready to dive into the wonderful world of Spain at this year’s Summer Fancy Food in New York City. Foods and Wines from Spain and Alimentos de España are thrilled to host the Spanish Pavillion at the largest US show devoted exclusively to (organized by the Specialty Food Association).
Olive oil |
Wines |
Cheeses |
Meat products |
405 Lexington Avenue 47th Floor, New York, NY 10174
00 (1) (212) 6614959