Apr 19 2023

Feria de Abril - It’s Party Time!

The Feria de Abril is one of Spain’s biggest festivals of light, color and cuisine - not just in Seville but also celebrated around the world. Let’s see how it evolved from a trade fair for horses

Seville in Andalusia, Spain, is known for its history, art, music and culinary culture. One of the highlights in the city’s social calendar is the Feria de Abril - the April Fair. Now one of Spain’s most popular festivals, we take a look at how this has grown into a worldwide tribute to Seville.

It originally began as a trading fair for horses and livestock in 1946, but the Feria de Abril has since grown into a celebration of everything Andaluz - and not just in Seville! Cities around Spain replicate the flamenco style and cuisine in their own versions of the Feria de Abril each year. So what can you expect to find at the festival?


  • A week of celebrations, beginning with the night of the alumbrao - illumination of the main streets and fairground - with lanterns and decor. This is when the feria comes to life!
  • Festival stands or casetas owned by organizations or families, featuring their own food, wine and music. The majority of the casetas are private - only open to members or by invitation to guests, making them a hot ticket - especially since you can expect to eat and drink here until the early hours.
Plate of fried gobies or chanquetes with lemon, Malaga, Spain


  • Eating pescaíto frito - little fried fish boquerones, and other coated seafood, are an integral part of the fair. They play a central role in the first Monday night dinner before the illumination.
  • Drinking Manzanilla Sherry, the unofficial drink of the Feria de Abril. Each year, in Seville alone, at least 1.5 million bottles are consumed, with Fino Sherry following closely behind.
Glasses of dry cold fino sherry wine served with spanish tapas, manchego cheese, green olives, cheese crackers
  • Lots of decorated horse-and-carriage displays, owing to Seville’s strong equine history.
  • Flamenco shows are par for the course, with the traditional Sevillana dress donned by the doñas and debutantes visiting the fair. Overdressing is the way to go.

The Feria de Abril characterizes all the brilliance and color of the Sevillian spirit, giving us a very powerful image of the flavors, the flair and the traditions that are still upheld in the Andalusian capital. So, if you’re lucky enough to get an invitation to a caseta, be sure to RSVP!