Degusta España is the name of Spanish food and wine tastings organized by the Spanish Embassy in Warsaw and Foods & Wines from Spain brand in Poland.The tastings are the perfect space to learn about the diversity of Spanish food and wines. Spain produces over 100 types of cheese, seasoned cold cuts and hams, olive oil, preserves of fruit and vegetables, saffron, nuts and chocolate, fish and other seafood. Spanish cuisine is the essence of the Mediterranean diet, inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. We organize tastings and workshops to show the variety of Spanish flavors. In the wine tastings you can learn about its terroirs, climates, styles, endemic grape varieties and 70 Spanish wine appellations. There is also opportunity to know the Spanish wine’s stars, classics wines and new trends in Spanish winemaking.
Degusta España tastings are designed for people who deal with food and wine professionally: sommeliers and restaurateurs, deli and wine shops, journalists and bloggers, as well as Spanish wines lovers who want to know them from a more professional point of view.
The project started in 2015. So far, we have organized over 70 tastings on various topics, presented over 300 wines from 30 different Spanish wine regions and hosted over 1,000 professional participants.
Degusta España tastings leaders are the eminent professionals related to food and wine, such as Almudena Alberca Master of Wine, Anna Smolec, editor-in-chief of the Polish magazine Restauracja, Pedro Ballesteros Master of Wine, Ferran Centelles, head of sommeliers in the best in the world, although no longer existing, restaurant el Bulli, Julio César Sobrino, former ambassador of Spanish wines and Michał Stykowski, the only Pole with the Spanish Wine Scholar title, confirming his broadest knowledge on the subject.
Canned fish and shellfish have been honed to a fine art in Spain - since these seafood delicacies span many decades of modern culinary history. Let’s explore Spain’s conservas
MoreThe company, which owns more than 30 brands and operates in more than70 countries, is a leading international ambassador for Spanish gastronomy