FWS Academy Partners

Are you a sommelier or hospitality school interested in developing a long-term relationship with FWS Academy?

FWS Academy is Spain's leading wine and food training school for international professionals.

You will gain important benefits for the school, its teachers and its students, including:

  • Free training for school teachers as part of the Spain's Pantry, Spanish Wine Specialist and Spanish Wine Educator programmes. 
  • Group discounts for school Alumni who want to enrol in the Spanish Wine Specialist and/or Spain's Pantry programmes.
  • Access to educational materials developed by ICEX for use in schools
  • Access to a large image gallery of Spanish wines and foodstuffs
  • Priority organisation of food and wine tastings including the most renowned Spanish Denominations of Origin and regions.
  • Participation of teachers and students as speakers in promotional activities organised by Food and Wines from Spain in their countries.
  • Option of paid contributions from teachers to the contents and articles on the Food and Wines from Spain portal. 
  • Possibility of being selected to attend reverse missions to Spain visiting different Spanish Denominations of Origin and regions.

If you are a school and you are interested in signing a partnership agreement with us, you can send us an email at FWSAcademy@icex.es and we will contact you through our office in your home country.

We will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

We have already signed agreements with schools in different countries:.

In Hong Kong:

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University: https://www.polyu.edu.hk

In Italy:

Federation of Italian Sommeliers Hoteliers and Restaurateurs (FISAR): https://www.fisar.org

In South Africa: 

Prue Leith Culinary Institute: https://www.prueleith.co.za

In Canada:

George Brown College: The Centre for Hospitality and Culinary Arts: https://www.georgebrown.ca/hospitality-culinary-arts

In India:

Indian School of Hospitality: https://www.ish.edu.in Indian School of Hospitality: https://www.ish.edu.in

IICA New Delhi:  https://www.chefiica.com

In Netherlands:

Le Club de Vins: https://www.leclubdesvins.com Le Club de Vins: https://www.leclubdesvins.com

In Sweden:

The Good Wine Habit: https://thegoodwinehabit.com The Good Wine Habit: https://thegoodwinehabit.com
The Wine Hub: https://www.thewinehub.se The Wine Hub: https://www.thewinehub.se

In South Korea:  

WSA WINE ACADEMY: https://www.wsaacademy.com/ WSA WINE ACADEMY: https://www.wsaacademy.com/
Winevision: https://www.winevision.kr/ Winevision: https://www.winevision.kr/

In Puerto Rico:  

International School of Culinary Arts and Hospitality of the University Ana G. Méndez (UAGM):: https://www.uagm.edu/es/oferta-academica/programas/ciencias-en-artes-culinarias International School of Culinary Arts and Hospitality of the University Ana G. Méndez (UAGM): https://www.uagm.edu/es/oferta-academica/programas/ciencias-en-artes-culinarias